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Entrepreneurs' Organization Boston (EO Boston)
Entrepreneurs Organization Boston is a dynamic group of entrepreneurs committed to learning, improving, and achieving transformational growth.
Our EO Boston chapter is comprised of 100+ business founders and builders who offer and seek the experiences, wisdom, and support that we need.
"It's the most amazing peer group for entrepreneurs you could be a part of. The people and the knowledge I have gained have completely changed my business and my life. I HIGHLY recommend you check them out."
Glenn Grant
President of EO Boston
Entrepreneur Organization’s Accelerator Boston offers early-stage entrepreneurs an extraordinary opportunity to grow their businesses.
EO Accelerator Boston is an exclusive executive education program for business owners of companies generating between $250K-$1M in annual revenue who want the tools and the coaching to grow their companies to $1M or more.

Built To Sell Radio
Built To Sell Radio is a weekly podcast for business owners interested in selling a business.
Each week, John Warrillow, author of the best-selling book Built To Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You and founder of the Value Builder System interviews an entrepreneur who has recently sold a business about the process of selling, their successes, and lessons learned.
It's the ultimate insider's guide to the most important financial transaction of your life. So, if you're thinking of eventually selling your business, this podcast is for you.
The Art Of Selling Your Business
From the best-selling author of Built to Sell: Creating a Business that Can Thrive Without You & The Host of Built to Sell Radio

is the founder of The Value Builder System, a best-selling author, and the host of Built To Sell Radio.

is the founder of Selfassembled Ventures, an advisory firm focused on helping self-made entrepreneurs build sellable businesses.
Special Edition
Foreword by Glenn Grant
Book Recommendations
There are a lot of great business and professional development books out there, there are also a lot of terrible ones. Below you will find a collection of solid books that can really move the needle with unique commentary from our Chief Visionary's playbook.
In case you're not into reading, most if not all of these gems are available on Audible for your listening enjoyment.
John Warrillow
Built To Sell was the first business book I ever read and still remains at the very top of my recommendations list. It's a parable about a small business owner who is trying to be everything to everyone, the entire company hinges on him, and he's at his whits end. I learned from the book the importance of focusing on a single service offering you can be the absolute best at, as well as being selective about your clients to avoid being owned by them.
John Warrillow
The Art of Selling Your Business is the de facto “trail guide” to navigating the process of an exit. There are many paths that can be taken, and armed with the knowledge contained in these pages, you can blaze a trail that is right for you. Many of you are probably thinking, “How do I get started selling my business?” “What is the process?” “How do I get the most money for my business?” and “How do I avoid getting screwed over?” These are all very important questions to ask yourself. The good news is that John has compiled the answers to these questions and many more in this easy-to-read book. As a bonus, he’s done so in a way that even the most impatient, hyperactive, impulsive, and easily distracted entrepreneur (like me) can digest.
W. Chan Kim | Renee Mauborgne
This book opened my eyes to what it means to have true differentiation in the market. The book discusses examples of disruptive brands in highly competitive markets that made a change in the way a product or service was consumed, so much that they nearly had no competition. Personally I learned from this book that I needed to come up with a unique service offering or I'd always be competing with thousands of IT companies just like mine. This book inspired me to move into public cloud managed services and ultimately create Managed DevOps.
Gino Wickman
Traction is the book that introduced the business world to EOS, The Entrepreneurial Operating System (and is also the reason many people refer to EOS as Traction.) If you are interested in implementing EOS in your business then you should certainly start with this book. It gives you an overview of the EOS system and the benefits of implementing it's simple tools for running your leadership team and your business as a whole.
Gino Wickman | Mike Paton
Get A Grip is the companion to Traction. It's a story about a fictitious leadership team that is struggling to be effective and their journey implementing EOS. Personally I love these types of books because for me it's easier to digest the content when I can connect with characters. This book is exceptionally great because you will likely have some of these characters in your business, and by the end of the book you'll see how much damage they can really do to growth and productivity.
Gino Wickman | Mark C. Winters
Rocket Fuel is for those of who are in more advanced stages of implementing EOS in their business. It focuses in on the Visionary-Integrator relationship and how these two people, when perfectly matched, can propel a business forward. It's a great read for someone who is searching for the "number 2," the person that can really run the business while you focus on the big picture strategy (or vice versa.) If you are currently searching for your business "sole mate," then this book can be extremely helpful.
Patrick Lencioni
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a parable about a leadership team in shambles. It's a great read if you are trying to get your leadership team working together as an effective unit. It teaches you the most important elements of chemistry you need for a team to flourish. It also makes it painfully obvious who on your leadership team is poisoning the well, and gives you the opportunity to coach them up, or ship them out.
Hal Elrod | Cameron Harold
Ever wonder how some of these highly successful entrepreneurs have the energy to build businesses, do speaking engagements, compete in triathlons, and generally kick-ass? I did, and then I was introduced to the Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs. The Miracle Morning teaches you how to create a morning routine that get's you out of bed, full of energy and positive thoughts, and improves your overall wellbeing. It comes in multiple editions for different professions as well.
Jack Daly
I remember it like it was yesterday, the first time I saw Jack Daly speak, OK it was more like screaming at me but it was awesome. Jack is the person who motivated me to build an actual sales team and made it clear if I did not, I was "not going to grow your f******g business!" In his book Hyper Sales Growth Jack ties it all together, how to build the right team and the crucial role culture plays in business and sales success.
Jack Daly | Dan Larson
The Sales Playbook is a companion to Hyper Sales Growth. In my opinion it's HIGHLY underrated and is even more valuable than Hyper Sales Growth itself. If you are like me, and you struggle with the role of sales manager, this book is a must have. I learned from this book how to make the basic and advanced tools for managing a sales pipeline, qualifying prospects, and hold my sales reps accountable. If you are in the midst of DIY sales, get this book ASAP!